Don’t Think, Just Do (To Achieve Goals)


The reason why we often don’t accomplish the things we want to do is we over-think. We intellectualize why something CAN’T happen. The over-thinking creates negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are dangerous because they then become our reality. The negative thoughts tell us not to bother taking the risk of working towards what we want because there are so many reasons why it won’t work. In the end we let go of our dreams and go back to our safe, controlled, and often boring lives.

That is why “don’t think, just do” is a good affirmation.  It doesn’t allow doubt to creep in. In other words, come up with your goal and set your plan in motion. Even if the goal seems impossible, push aside self doubt, do the work and you will achieve what you want.

Mary Occhino, a famous psychic says the key to getting what you want in life is:

Visualization – Picture yourself having whatever it is you want, really see it in your mind.
Determination –  Take the steps, do the work to make your goal happen.
Surrender – After you have done the two steps above, let go of your goal, and have complete confidence that the Universe/God will provide the desired result.

–Hilary of Hilary’s Mindful Living

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