Are You Blocking What You Desire?

yellowstone&tetons (121)It’s funny how what we want the most we tend to block from happening. I know I do it. Let’s say you want to lose weight. You do all the right things: eat whole foods, eat less, exercise more and yet you still don’t seem to lose any significant weight. It doesn’t seem fair. You want this so bad and you’re trying so hard that you actually push success away from you.

In your mind you are angry at yourself, impatient, and your self-esteem is at an all time low. And you can’t help think sabotaging thoughts– “Look at what she eats and she’s so skinny, when will I lose weight? I’m destined to be heavy. I have a low metabolism. This sucks! I’m so tired of working so hard. It’s not fair!”

What’s really going on? You’re putting out impatient, frustrated energy that is blocking the result you want. You’re pushing so hard to get what you want that in the pushing you block the flow of peaceful energy.

The Law of Attraction states that everything is energy, even your thoughts. Your thoughts attract like-energy and like-vibration. What you put out into the Universe with your thinking is exactly what you’ll get back. So if you are doing all the right things to help weight loss but thinking impatient, negative thoughts guess what the Universe will bring you? More frustration and impatience and the weight will stick to you like glue.

The solution is to uncurl your fists and relax your mind as you strive for what you want. Breathe deeply, walk outside, repeat an affirmation like, “Relax, all is well.” Set your goal, work towards it, but be light, don’t chase it. Doreen Virtue’s Facebook post today inspired this blog. She says, “Patiently attracting your desires works much better than chasing them… because anything you chase runs away.”

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