A member of my Mindful Living group told a story of how she drives by homeless people at the intersection where she works every day. They are always panhandling. Who knows where the money goes that people give them? Perhaps to support their alcohol/drug habits.
One cold day while she was waiting at the traffic light she looked at the homeless man and had an urge to bring him some hot soup.
She thought about it for a few minutes and was contemplating where to get the soup. Unfortunately, her intellect/ego took over at that moment and talked her out of the idea. Thoughts like: “Maybe he won’t want it.” “Maybe he’ll think I poisoned it.” “This idea is weird.” “He probably just wants money for his addiction.” After believing those thoughts she decided not to do anything.
Here’s what happened; her logical thought over-road the idea that came from her heart.
Dear readers, I want to teach you today to lead with your heart. The heart is ALWAYS right. However, what usually happens is we allow our intellect to make all of our decisions.
When you get a beautiful altruistic idea that suddenly pops into your head I encourage you to immediately act on it. Why? Because it is coming from your heart and it is always truth. If you don’t immediately act on what your heart says, logical thought will come in and tell you why your idea shouldn’t happen.
Have you ever felt like you wanted to call an old friend out of the blue? You think, “I wonder how Melanie is doing? I haven’t talked to her in so long. I should call her.”
And a moment later you decide not to call Melanie because you haven’t talked to her in over a year and it would be weird if you suddenly called. And you need to go to the grocery store and you have a bunch of other errands to run.
Intellect over-road the heart again and you don’t call. You missed out though. Here’s why.
Your intuition was probably picking up on something. Maybe Melanie is sick or having a hard time right now. Maybe she really needed your call. Maybe you have not connected with real friends in awhile and Melanie’s call would have made you feel better. Or maybe Melanie would have tipped you off on a job lead or invited you to do something really cool. But you’ll never know, because you let your intellect take over.
The thing is, we are all interconnected. It may not seem that way but we are. The most important reason we are on this planet is to share love with each other. Love should supercede everything else in life. Though it’s hard to believe, your “to do” list is always less important.
If my group member had given that soup to the homeless man and looked into his eyes it would have shown love. Her act would mean, “I see you.” “I see you and I care about you.” And there is nothing more important than this exchange of love. She would have received just as much back as he did!
Today of all days, and every day after that– lead with your heart! If you feel the urge to be kind in any way, don’t push it away, act on it immediately. The gift you receive is far better than the one you will give.
Happy Valentine’s Day my beautiful readers.
Love and Light,
Hilary of Hilary’s Mindful Living