Several years ago I broke my arm. It was a bad break that required surgery and a large cumbersome cast. I wallowed in my negativity for awhile. I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t shower, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even button my pants, couldn’t cook for my family. I was miserable and I let everyone know it.
Isn’t it difficult to be around people who spend their days complaining about their life to anyone who will listen? When we focus on the problem we are depleting our energy. It is harmful to do this because all we get for our efforts is more negativity.
Life challenges fuel our spiritual growth. We are supposed to have problems because this is when we learn valuable life lessons. These challenges require us to stop and reevaluate where we are in life. Am I on the wrong path? Maybe I need to change in some way.
I’m not comfortable being a pessimist for too long. A week into my injury I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and focus on the solution and not the problem. I learned a great life lesson: how to ask for and accept help. This was a valuable skill that I was too prideful to develop before. Friends made my family meals, I asked for rides, my husband helped me dress, my children did more chores to help around the house, I even turned my cast into a work of art. And best of all– my mood was better.
You see what you resist, persists. So next time you are faced with an obstacles or setback don’t fight it. Understand it is supposed to happen. It is for your greater good. Your obstacle will help with your personal growth. Then you are able to focus on the best solution for your challenge.
Hilary of Hilary’s Mindful Living